Monthly Archives: March 2019

Brain Dead

Meet Ms. Blobfish. She kind of looks like the comic character Ziggy, doesn’t she? This kind of fish only looks this way if you take them out of water and plop them flat on a surface. But they’re still not exactly the belle of the sea ball once immersed in the briny. That fish is […]

Adding Up The Good

I took this picture when my father was still alive. Peaceful, isn’t it? He lived at the Jersey shore and this tranquil scene occurred up the street from his house. The sun was about to set, the clouds decorated the sky and a boat stood anchored a short distance from the street’s end. In less […]

The ME Factor

What is it about me? Had a really promising interview for a job I really wanted. Really wanted. I thought I nailed it. First interview lasted 45 minutes, the second nearly two hours. Lots of smiles, banter and handshakes. Discussed salary, hours, benefits. Asked for references. I didn’t get it. About the same time last year, the […]

Candy Conundrum

Ah, Easter! That lovely springtime holiday/holy day that evokes images of bunnies and chicks and tulips! What kid doesn’t look forward to receiving a basket loaded up with candy or searching for eggs containing stickers and jelly beans? Or getting all sugared up so it’s impossible for Junior to sit down to Easter brunch or […]