Category Self-esteem

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Angela had gorgeous thick blonde hair. Actually, it seemed to consist of many shades of blonde. Sunlight played with its gentle waves, creating a luminous swath that trailed past her shoulders. Once, back in high school, she got a permanent – remember those? – and her head resembled a sheep’s fleece. When we were kids, […]

It Had To Happen…

It’s been a little more than a week on my dating app, and so far…nothing. I wonder what’s up with the filters. I specifically said I’d like to meet someone in a 50 mile radius around my town. It’s been more like 500 miles nowhere near my town. I wanted someone closer to my age. […]


Perfect for you, that is… One recent Sunday night, I went for it. Wrote up my profile, picked out about a half-dozen great shots of myself, filled out the questionnaire and shelled out far too much money for the paywall version of the dating site. I sat back and blew a great breeze from my […]

Courage In Profiles

Think for a minute. If a stranger walked up to on the street and said, “Hey, you! Describe yourself!” what would you say? Adjectives and nouns swirl in galactic formation, begging to partner with verbs that’ll promise some hot action. But are they talking about me? Or someone I’d like to be? Recently, I had […]


No, the above picture isn’t me. But it seems to be a characterization of a woman of a certain age…although, I’m not certain what her age is. I had a big birthday a little while ago. I turned overnight from a middle-ager into a senior citizen. How can that be? I don’t feel any different. […]

The Jitters, Or, The Nightmares Cometh

It happens every now and again. Sometimes I have a bad day at work. Or a mistake I made that I can’t let go. Something’s looming on the horizon and I obsess about it. Or my brain simply won’t shut up, no matter what I do or try not to dwell upon. It’s a case […]

It’s Complicated

Son came to us when he was eight years old. We adopted him from foster care. A feral youth, he knew nothing of personal hygiene, was illiterate, spoke inarticulately, had rotten teeth and suffered from severe ADHD. He’d been horribly neglected. The school he’d been attending wrote him off and considered him unteachable. Despite this, […]

Wrestling With Words and Other Writing Conundrums

It all seemed so wonderful, this writers conference. None of us had been out amongst fellow writers and friends for what seemed like forever. Our last conference was cancelled (I’m sure I don’t have to tell you why). Omicron wasn’t even anything beyond a letter in the Greek alphabet. We were all vaxxed, masked and […]


I took the above picture this morning as I went on my morning walk. Only a few weeks ago, the mountains were decorated in orange, red and rust hues. Now, they’re just brown and bare. The lake still has its usual population of waterfowl, including geese, ducks and swans (they always class up any body […]


Because I’ll take any excuse to whip up some pancakes and sausages, I invited two of my friends over for brunch. I know, that’s pretty said, but then again, you can’t beat pumpkin pancakes with link breakfast sausage on a chilly October morning. That, and I hadn’t seen Chelsea and Connie in ages. Well before […]