Author Archives: Shellie Crest

The Rite (or Wrong) of Spring

You can practically smell the perfume… Ah, spring! The flowers are blooming, the birds are singing and one’s heart turns to romance. Or does it? I sit here alone on a Thursday night when I should’ve been out on a date. Last week I had a really great phone conversation with someone I met on […]

Mysteries of Love

Yeah…I get it…sort of… I’m in the last blossom of middle age, and I’d be damned if I can figure out what’s going on in the world of dating and relationships. I know I’m not alone in this. I see it on the dating app I’ve been using. Heck, many a man (haven’t looked at […]

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Angela had gorgeous thick blonde hair. Actually, it seemed to consist of many shades of blonde. Sunlight played with its gentle waves, creating a luminous swath that trailed past her shoulders. Once, back in high school, she got a permanent – remember those? – and her head resembled a sheep’s fleece. When we were kids, […]

The Write Stuff

I’ve dedicated my life to writing, in all its forms. I was a copywriter. Then I wrote magazine articles. That led to short stories, this blog and then fiction. My job involves writing with strict deadlines and sometimes, too much input from those that don’t know what they’re talking about. Alas, there’s also my dating […]

It Had To Happen…

It’s been a little more than a week on my dating app, and so far…nothing. I wonder what’s up with the filters. I specifically said I’d like to meet someone in a 50 mile radius around my town. It’s been more like 500 miles nowhere near my town. I wanted someone closer to my age. […]


Perfect for you, that is… One recent Sunday night, I went for it. Wrote up my profile, picked out about a half-dozen great shots of myself, filled out the questionnaire and shelled out far too much money for the paywall version of the dating site. I sat back and blew a great breeze from my […]


By now, everyone’s heard the term, “breadcrumbing.” It means someone who leads you on, texts you with vague plans but never manages to solidify them, drops out of touch for long periods of time only to show back up when they suspect you’re losing interest. It’s a common thing, made even more so with the […]

Undying Love

Angela and I sat together in her hospital room, she in the bed and me perched on a chair. She’d just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The surgeon gave her one and a half years to live. A tube, protruding from her nose, drained the contents of her stomach. Her eyes stared straight ahead, shock […]

Courage In Profiles

Think for a minute. If a stranger walked up to on the street and said, “Hey, you! Describe yourself!” what would you say? Adjectives and nouns swirl in galactic formation, begging to partner with verbs that’ll promise some hot action. But are they talking about me? Or someone I’d like to be? Recently, I had […]

Dating: Pond or Sewer?

Dating is a sewer of emotions. One minute, you’re flustered and stomach-butterflied, the other, you’re bewildered and disgusted. Eventually, you’re over it and move on. Your emotions go through the treatment plant, and if you’re lucky, they come out as clear as a shiny-sparkling pond, ready to try them out on the next person. Recently, […]